Local Rules valid as from July 2024
Local Rules valid as from June 2024
Abnormal Course Conditions
Washouts from water and cracks from drought in the ground in the general area (including bunkers) are ground under repair. The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1 b. But interference does not exist if the washout or crack only interferes with the player’s stance.
Trees with supports (wooden stakes, plastic sleeves, or the like) are no play zones that are to be treated as an abnormal course condition. If the ball lies anywhere on the course other than in a penalty area and it lies on or touches such a tree or such a tree interferes with the players stance or area of intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 16.1f without penalty.
All roads, paths and tracks are immovable obstructions unless they are defined out of bounds (see below).
Areas of the course marked with blue lines on the ground are ground under repair from which relief without penalty may be taken.
Penalty areas
For security reasons, it is forbidden to enter areas, identify or to retrieve, by any means, balls from penalty areas covered by plastic lining (holes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 18). This includes the player’s own ball.
Out of bounds
White stakes and stakes with white tops mark the boundaries of the course. The residential area to the left of hole 10 is out of bounds. The boundary is defined by the edge of lining of the ponds on the side of the residential area.
The path on the left along hole 17 and traversing the course until hole 11 is a public road. This public road is out of bounds when the ball is on or beyond it. This is true even if the ball comes to rest on another part of the course that is in bounds for other holes. The out of bounds of the path ends at the entrance of the tunnel in the vicinity of the teeing areas of hole 7. However, when starting play of hole 7 from the 66 tee-markers, the public road is considered to be in bounds (unless in the unlikely case that the ball struck from the 66 tee-markers ends up on the public road)
All fence stakes on either side of the public road - wether marked with white tops or not, or wether with or without fence wires - are boundary objects from which free relief is not allowed.
Preferred lies
Only when preferred lies apply (see scorecard or starter’s instructions):
When a player’s ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from this relief area:
• Reference point: Spot of the original ball.
• Size of the relief area measured from the reference point: one length of the unfolded score-card, but within these limits: the relief area must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and it must be in the general area.
Integral objects
Artificial retaining walls (e.g. wooden retaining walls between bunkers and bodies of water, see holes 2, 5, etc.) are integral objects from which no free relief is available.
Relief procedures for ball in penalty area beyond the green/bunker of Hole 18
If a players ball struck from the general area (fairway/rough) or from a bunker or from within the penalty area of hole 18 is in the penalty area beyond the bunker behind the green of hole 18, including when it is knor or virtually certain to be in that penalty area even thought not found, the player has these relief options, each for one penalty stroke.
* The player may take relief under Rule 17.1 (stroke-and-distance relief; back-on-the-line relief lateral relief), or
* As an extra option, also with one penalty stroke, the player may drop the original ball or another ball in the dropping zone defined by the brick embedded in the fairway to the left or the 18th green as reference point. The dropping zone extends by one club-lenght from brick, not nearer to the hole. The dropping zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3.
However, these relief options only apply if the ball struck as mentioned above has crossed the boundary (stone wall) between the bunker and the penalty area behind the green of hole 18.